Friday, June 6, 2008

2 months old!!!

It's amazing! My little Nator Tator is 2 months old! well he was on May 28th. He went to the doctor and got his first shots :( which went way better then i thought it was going to be! He did cry and then stopped and yelled at the nurse! she asked i think he just gave me a little attitude! He was in the 95% in height and 75% in weight, so watch out cousin Cash you may be big now! but Nate is on your tail!!! Here are some updated pics so my family will leave me alone, love ya'll and hope to see ya soon!!! HAPPY SUMMER EVERYONE!
This is Nate's neighbor Connor, I feel like when Nate gets a little older he is going to be on Connor's heels getting into alot of trouble!!!


Tessa said...

they both look like trouble waiting to happen.

Billie said...

Call me crazy but I think he looks like Riley...either Scott and Gregg look alike and I have never noticed or your kiddos have more of the Settle in them than I have ever really noticed! He is a cutie! I'm glad the shots went well, I hate when we have shots!! All I can say is thank God for tylenol!